Adult Sleep Disorder
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition in which breathing stops involuntarily for brief periods of time during sleep. Normally, air flows Most people think sleep is irrelevant to our daily health.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition in which breathing stops involuntarily for brief periods of time during sleep. Normally, air flows smoothly from the mouth and nose into the lungs at all times.
Pediatric Sleep Disorder
Sleep is as important for growing children as nutrition and exercise. If your child is struggling with sleep problems, they may be at risk for behavioral / medical issues including lower school performance,
Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder is a specific kind of circadian rhythm disorder that is particularly common among blind people. People with N24 may find themselves gradually going to bed later each night and waking up later each day until their sleep schedule gets flipped all the way around.
An Overview of Insomnia
Apnea of Prematurity
Good Evening!

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Treatment for Sleep Disorders
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Who We Are

How Did You Sleep Last Night?
You probably hate me by now. But what can I say? I realise I am quite unusual, as well as very lucky.
A lot of my friends are far less lucky, though – and poor sleep is a subject we chew over endlessly when I’m with them.
And when I ask them about their bedtime routines, I’m not surprised they have trouble dropping off at night.
They’re trying to relax by watching TV in bed, or they go straight from desk to duvet – their poor brains still buzzing with work or facebook.
Our Services
- Pulmonary Function test
- Home Sleep Study
- CPAP Therapy
- Bipap Titration
- Polysomnography with EEG
- CPAP Titration
- Airvo Titration
Family Medicine
- First comprehensive Evaluation
- Follow up consultation
- Genetic Testing
Pediatric Pulmonology
- First comprehensive Evaluation
- Follow up consultation
Pediatric Neurology
- First comprehensive Evaluation
- Follow up consultation
Natural Medicine
- First comprehensive Evaluation
- Follow up consultation
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