What services does Grand Health Institute (GHI) provide their pediatric Facility Partners – Pediatric Centers, ENT Centers, Neurology Centers, Cardiology centers, and Pediatric Hospitals?
Our company, Grand Health Institute, has created a comprehensive treatment program that allows Pediatric care centers, and Pediatric hospitals to identify the estimated 20-30% undiagnosed pediatric sleep disorder patients and offer them curative treatment options.
Our protocols identify potential pediatric sleep disorder patients in various setting that are involve in the care for pediatric population. The patients are screened by using simple screening tools such as, CHILDREN’S SLEEP HEALTH SCREEN (CSHS) questionnaire. When the questionnaire concludes the patient may need to seek the help of a sleep specialist, then facility partner can be contacted and the patient is given an appointment with a board-certified sleep physicians.
We spend the necessary time to gain a thorough understanding of each patient’s sleep disorder and individual medical needs to effectively provide the best care and treatment solutions available.
Excellence in Clinical Operations and Patient Delivery Model

Excellence in Clinical Operations and Patient Delivery Model
Our clinical operation’s best practices allow our comprehensive treatment platform to be utilized without adding stress to your current staff. Our clinical operations and patient delivery model drive accelerated, sustainable improvements in quality care, patient satisfaction, and financial performance.
• Compliance training and clinical audits
• Capacity planning and management cycle• Training of all physicians and related staff
• Protocol support to track all patient outcomes
• Setting up procedures to ensure full
• HIPAA compliance
• Creation of best practices, quality of care initiatives, and efficiency programs unique to your facility
Streamlining Insurance Reimbursements – Medical Billing
GHI team of billing experts can handles the entire process from insurance pre-certification/verification through reimbursement. Our medical billing department can coordinates the health care billing, payment, and claims reconciliation process for each of our facility partners.
While a prospective patient is on the phone speaking with any one of our medical staff, he or she is seamlessly sent to GHI medical billing department for real-time insurance verification and pre-certification. Our medical billing department has years of experience in experimental and conventional medical billing.
GHI medical billing system can provides our facility partners with access to reimbursement and financial reporting. Our medical billing team can integrates within and works with our partners to establish and set financial policies relating to co-pay collections, trigger-points for escalating collection efforts, and write-off guidelines.

Our medical care team and billing experts handle the following:
• Insurance Verification: Our medical care team pre-certifies and verifies each patient’s insurance.
• Demographic and Chart Entry: Our medical concierges enter each patient’s information into appropriate electronic medical record (EMR).
• Coding and Audits: Our medical billing team compiles CPT and diagnosis codes based on carrier requirements.
• Claim Submission: Our medical billing team submits audited claims and coordinates with carriers for processing.
• Payment Posting: Our medical billing team applies the payment to the appropriate patient account.
• AR Analysis: Our accounting department insures claim problems are identified and resolved.
• Optimizing Billing and Insurance Reimbursements
+ Management and set up of cloud-based EMRs
+ Corporate billing management and collections
+ Streamlined billing, appeals, and collection management staff at corporate office
+ Patient pre-certification and insurance verification coverage
Accounting: All Back Office Needs and Support
By fully integrating the business operations of each location with our corporate office’s centralized accounting department, GHI can assists our facility partners with various accounting functions. It is our goal to help reduce the amount of time that you will need to spend on accounting.
GHI accounting department guides our facility partners through today’s complex issues associated reimbursements and collections under the scope of practice management. GHI accounting department understands that the financial success of our facility partners’ operations or business is no longer solely dependent upon the skills of the medical professional. GHI accounting department can tracks revenues, improves cash flow, and enhances profitability.
• Legal support for licensing and credentialing
• Extensive medical and business instruction and training
• Daily, weekly, and monthly real-time financial reporting
• Account s payable
• Accounts receivable
• Create profit & loss statements
Accurate and timely financial reporting is critical to the success of any healthcare organization. From daily accounting to statistics that measure capacity statistics, GHI team specializes in performing all the necessary financial functions to ensure operational efficiency. GHI services are tailored to meet the individual needs of our facility partners, thus allowing our partners increased time and flexibility to focus on providing exceptional patient care.